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Pool location

St. Augustine's School, Obelisk Park, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin

  • Class duration: 30 minutes
  • Term cost: €230
  • Term length: 10 weeks 
  • Term Dates:  TBC

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Swimming Pool

The pool is spacious and clean. The pool water is kept at 32 degrees so it's toasty warm for your little bear cub. The pool environment is calm and private.

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Parking is available in St Augustine's School carpark which is a short 4 min walk from the pool.

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Changing Facilities

There are separate mama and papa bear changing areas. Space is limited so please leave any car seats or buggies in your car or inside the door. It's a good idea to bring along a changing mat. There are no showers in this facility so please shower at home before and after class.

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Family Viewing Area

There's a small family viewing area on poolside.


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Pool depth

The pool depth for your lesson will be 1.2 meters. All mama and papa bears’ feet will be planted firmly on the pool floor. You do not need to know how to swim to attend our lessons. ON INSTAGRAM